A Sample Venturer Bylaw

Some Venturer Companies formalize their organization in writing

Adapted by Scouter Liam Morland, 1996

Here is a sample bylaw for a Venturer Company. This was the one used by the 32nd Ottawa Venturers when I was a member.

32nd Ottawa Venturer Company By-law

Article 1: Name

  1. This Company shall be known as the "32nd Ottawa Venturer Company."

Article 2: Membership

  1. Anyone within the age requirements specified by Scouts Canada may apply for Membership in the Company.
  2. The Company will establish a process by which Senior Scouts are brought into the Company and made to feel welcome.
  3. Applicants for Membership will be expected to get to know the Company and its ideals. Once this has been done, the applicant becomes a Member by making the Venturer Promise to the Company at an investiture ceremony.
  4. Every Member shall respect the By-law of the Company, the Mission, Principles, and Practises of Scouts Canada, and the By-Law, Policies, and Procedures of Scouts Canada.
  5. Anyone wishing to withdraw from the Company should give formal notice at least one month prior to departure.
  6. In the event of inappropriate conduct, the Executive shall hold an emergency meeting to analyze the situation and take appropriate action.
  7. Inappropriate conduct shall include chronic tardiness, incomplete tasks which reflect on the whole Company, improper use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco products, and failing to follow the Company By-Laws.

Article 3: Company Executive

  1. The Executive shall consist of the following officers:
    1. President: Chairs all meetings, coordinates Company activities, and represents the Company on the Venturer Council.
    2. Vice-President: Acts on behalf of the President in his absence and assumes such other duties as may be requested by the President.
    3. Secretary: Keeps and makes available minutes of all Company meetings, and other administrative functions.
    4. Treasurer: Keeps and makes available the financial records of the Company, and other financial functions. Any Company account shall be in the name of "Scouts Canada: 32nd Ottawa Venturer Company" and shall require the signatures of any two of the President, Treasurer, and Adviser to complete a withdrawal.
    5. Quartermaster: Stores and keeps a record of all Company equipment and ensures its usability.
    6. Adviser(s): ex officio; as required by BP&P: Helps the Company and its Executive to achieve its goals and represents the Company to the Group Committee and the Venturer Advisers' Council. There may also be Assistant Advisers.
  2. All Executive positions shall be renewed at the start of every Scouting year. A Scouting year is from September to August.
  3. Members of the Executive must be Members of the Company.
  4. The Company Executive are trusted servants. They do not govern.

Article 4: Election of Executive

  1. All Executive positions shall be renewed at a business meeting at the start of every Scouting year. A Scouting year is from September to August.
  2. At this meeting, the Adviser shall ask if there is any opposition to individual members of the current Executive continuing in their respective positions. If no opposition is declared, those members of the Executive shall continue in the positions they hold. Elections will be held for any position where opposition is declared. The Adviser will act as the returning officer for all elections.
  3. If an Executive position becomes vacant, a by-election will be held at the nearest convenience of Company business.

Article 5: Special Events

  1. All Members must attend the Annual Scout Sunday festivities.
  2. The Venturer uniform is to be worn at all formal activities.

Article 6: Dues

  1. The Company does not charge any dues.
  2. Members are subject to fees levied by other scouting councils.

Article 7: Company Organization

  1. The company shall have at least one business meeting a month except in July and August.
  2. In order for a business meeting to be called to order, there must be present at least one member of the Executive, one person willing and able to take and forward to the secretary the minutes, and a majority of the Members of the Crew.
  3. This bylaw shall be reviewed annually to ensure that it is understood and accepted by the Company.
  4. The Company shall operate in compliance with the Mission, Principles, and Practises of Scouts Canada and the By-Law, Policies, and Procedures of Scouts Canada.
  5. Robert's Rules of Order will be a general guide for the running of business meetings.
  6. The Company operates in Partnership with St. Matthias Anglican Church, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, and under Charter from Scouts Canada.

Article 8: Voting

  1. 60% of the members present at a meeting must support a motion for it to be carried.
  2. 60% of all the members must support any motion which amends this By-law.
  3. The Adviser(s) shall have the power to veto any motion or amendment which in their opinion would be detrimental to the Company or its Members.