Sample Rover Round Table Bylaws

Most Rover Round Tables formalize their organization in writing

Adapted by Liam Morland, 1996

Here are sample bylaws for a Rover Round Table. These are based on the bylaws of the National Capital Region Rover Round Table from when I was a member. These could be adapted for use by a Venturer Square Table as well as Rover Round Tables.

NCR Rover Round Table Bylaws


The National Capital Region Rover Round Table (NCRRRT) performs an important function for the Rovers of the National Capital Region (NCR). It acts as a medium for NCR Rovers to keep informed of upcoming events and Service opportunities. It also acts as an umbrella organization, a social form, and a marketplace for the exchange of critical Rovering concepts and ideas. These bylaws will aid the Round Table in fulfilling its purpose.

1. Title

  1. The title of this body will be the National Capital Region Rover Round Table (NCRRRT).

2. Purpose

  1. To provide a forum for all Crews in the Region to communicate with each other and other sections.
  2. To provide an interface between the Regional Council and the Rovers of the National Capital Region.
  3. To provide sponsorship for Regional Rover activities.
  4. To provide representation to the Ontario Rover Council (ORC).
  5. To promote Rovering in the National Capital Region, within Scouting and in the community.

3. Membership

  1. All registered Members of Rover Crews in the NCR are members of the NCRRRT and are welcome and encouraged to attend its meeting.

4. Executive

  1. The Executive of the NCRRRT will comprise the following officers:
    1. Chair
      1. Must act in the best interests of the NCRRRT.
      2. Must work in close relationship with crews and the Adviser on all matters concerning the NCRRRT.
      3. Co-ordinate the affairs of the NCRRRT.
      4. Represent the Rovers of the Region to the Region by attending relevant Regional meetings with the Adviser.
      5. Attend and chair NCRRRT meetings and Executive meetings.
      6. Is an ex-officio member of all committees and sub-committees.
      7. May appoint committee chairpersons subject to approval by the Executive and ratification by a motion at the next regular NCRRRT meeting. The appointment must be for a fixed period of time and must be ratified every year during the annual elections, until the end of the mandate.
      8. With the aid of the Executive, draw up a business plan and budget. The plan should consist of proposed Round Table activities for the upcoming year and the proposed budget. The plan should be presented by the third month of the term of the Executive.
    2. Vice-chair
      1. To assist the Chair and to carry out all duties of the Chair in the event of their absence or resignation.
      2. Maintain accurate and up to date records of the financial activities of the NCRRRT and report on said activities at each NCRRRT meeting.
      3. Prepare and present the above records for an annual review.
      4. Attend Executive meetings.
    3. Secretary
      1. Keep and issue all minutes of each NCRRRT meeting. All new minutes are to be distributed by mail to each Crew in the NCR before the next NCRRRT meeting.
      2. Receive and keep copies of the minutes of all NCRRRT committees and sub-committees.
      3. Keep a current copy of the Bylaw, Policies, and Procedures of Scouts Canada as a reference
      4. Keep copies of the NCRRRT bylaws.
      5. Be responsible for keeping records of all NCRRRT correspondence.
      6. Keep a current listing of addresses and telephone numbers of all Executive members, NCR Crew Mates (or equivalent), NCR Rovers, and NCR Advisers.
      7. Attend Executive meetings.
    4. Public Relations Officer
      1. Actively promote Rovering in the NCR.
      2. Organize a membership campaign each fall.
      3. Attend Executive meetings.
      4. Liaise with the Venturer Service Team, Venturer Council, Joint Council, and the Communications Committee so that each group is aware of the Round Table and its activities.
      5. Advertise upcoming events.
    5. Adviser
      1. Advise and aid the Round Table and the Executive.
      2. Represent the Rovers of the Region to the Region by attending relevant Regional meetings with the Chair.
      3. Attend Executive meetings.
      4. Approve Round Table events
      5. Promote Rovering in the Region.
      6. Participate in Regional/Area Forums
      7. Provide a communication link with Provincial Council.
      8. The Adviser is normally the Regional Rover Coordinator, appointed by the Regional Commissioner.
    6. ORC Representatives
      1. There are two (2) Representatives and two (2) Alternate Representatives, appointed by the NCRRRT and approved by the Regional Commissioner. These names must be submitted to the ORC.
      2. They are non-voting members of the NCRRRT executive and should attend Executive meetings.
      3. Act as the NCRRRT representatives at the ORC meetings.
      4. Express the view of the NCRRRT to the ORC.
      5. Report back to the NCRRRT what is expressed at the ORC.
  2. Members of the Executive, except the Adviser, must be Rovers registered in the NCR. The Adviser shall meet the requirements of a Rover Crew Adviser as specified in BP&P and be registered in the NCR.
  3. No more than one (1) member from each crew will hold office on the Executive unless that office would otherwise remain vacant.

5. Committees

  1. Any committee may be formed by the NCRRRT at any regular meeting.
  2. Committees are to report to the NCRRRT at each meeting.
  3. Committees may consist of:
    1. Registered Rovers or Advisers.
    2. Other resource persons.
  4. Nominations Committee
    1. The chair of this committee will be appointed by the NCRRRT Chair and ratified by a motion on the table. This person should be someone who will not influence the voters.
    2. The committee should consist of a chair and at least two (2) other members.
    3. The duties of this committee is to solicit nominations from the Rovers of the region. The committee must have at least one (1) nomination for each Executive position within fourteen (14) days of the election.
    4. The members of the nominations committee are not eligible to run for office on the NCRRRT Executive.
    5. The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall act as the returning officer during elections.

6. Disciplinary Action

  1. Any Executive or Committee member may be disciplined or removed from office if they fail to carry out their duty.
  2. The Executive and Committee members are trusted servants; they do not govern.

7. Voting

  1. During voting on any issue or for elections, each Crew shall have one (1) vote.
  2. There will be no proxy voting.
  3. The Chair will cast a vote in the event of a tie.
  4. In order to carry on business, at least six (6) Crews must be represented at the meeting.

8. Elections

  1. Executive elections are to be held at the Annual Meeting each January.
  2. Executive terms of office will be until the next Annual Meeting.
  3. If an Executive position becomes vacant during the year, nominations will be taken and a by-election will be held. If only one nomination is received, that member shall be acclaimed.
  4. Nominations will be accepted by the Nominations Committee and from the floor on the day of the elections.
  5. A notice of election and a list of nominees shall be sent to the Mate or equivalent of each crew by the NCRRRT secretary not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the election meeting.
  6. The elections will be held by secret ballot.

9. Meetings

  1. The NCRRRT is to hold a minimum of five (5) meetings during the program year.
  2. A program year will be January 1st to December 31st.

10. Dress Code

  1. According to the Bylaw, Policies, and Procedures of Scouts Canada.
  2. The Executive shall wear neutral neckerchiefs.

11. Finances

  1. The NCRRRT will hold fund, whose use shall be restricted to NCRRRT business.
  2. Any two of the Chair, Vice-chair, or Adviser must sign actions on the NCRRRT accounts.
  3. A budget is to be submitted to the Regional Commissioner by the Executive no later than August 15th of that program year.
  4. The expenditure of funds is subject to the approval of the NCRRRT.
  5. The financial records of the NCRRRT will be subject to an annual review to be held during the July/August period. The review will be conducted by an independent person appointed by the NCR treasurer. This shall not be a person with signing authority.

12. Amendments to these Bylaws

  1. NCR Crews shall be given twenty-eight (28) days written notice of any proposed amendments.

Update, August, 2020: The NCRRRT titled this document "Terms of Reference" because this title "suggests a less restrictive nature than Bylaw or Constitution". A terms of reference is usually a document given by one group to another, such as a board to a committee. When an organization sets out rules for itself, it is usually referred to as that organization's bylaws, so that nomenclature is now used in this sample.