Moon Phase Calendar

What will the phase of the Moon be for your next Scout camp?

by Scouter Liam Morland, September 5, 2009

What will the phase of the Moon be for your next Scout camp? Perhaps you want a bright Moon to make flashlight-free walking easy. Or maybe you need it dark for stargazing. Whatever you want, this calendar will help you find the ideal date for your camp. Lunar eclipses are also shown.

In this calendar, the colour of each cell corresponds to the amount of light the Moon will be giving off. There is also a Moon phase icon in the day that contains the new moon 🌑, first quarter 🌓, full moon 🌕, and last quarter 🌗. Eclipses of the Moon are marked in red.

The calculations are done with php-moon-phase.

2024Dec30 🌑︎310102030405Jan2025
2025Jan06 🌓︎070809101112
13 🌕︎141516171819
2021 🌗︎2223242526
272829 🌑︎30310102Feb
Feb030405 🌓︎06070809
101112 🌕︎13141516
17181920 🌗︎212223
2425262728 🌑︎0102Mar
Mar03040506 🌓︎070809
1011121314 🌕︎1516
171819202122 🌗︎23
242526272829 🌑︎30
310102030405 🌓︎06Apr
Apr07080910111213 🌕︎
21 🌗︎222324252627 🌑︎
28293001020304 🌓︎May
12 🌕︎131415161718
1920 🌗︎2122232425
2627 🌑︎2829303101Jun
Jun0203 🌓︎0405060708
091011 🌕︎12131415
161718 🌗︎19202122
232425 🌑︎26272829
300102 🌓︎03040506Jul
Jul07080910 🌕︎111213
1415161718 🌗︎1920
21222324 🌑︎252627
2829303101 🌓︎0203Aug
Aug040506070809 🌕︎10
111213141516 🌗︎17
181920212223 🌑︎24
25262728293031 🌓︎
Sep01020304050607 🌕︎Sep
08091011121314 🌗︎
15161718192021 🌑︎
29 🌓︎300102030405Oct
Oct0607 🌕︎0809101112
13 🌗︎141516171819
2021 🌑︎2223242526
272829 🌓︎30310102Nov
Nov030405 🌕︎06070809
101112 🌗︎13141516
17181920 🌑︎212223
2425262728 🌓︎2930
Dec01020304 🌕︎050607Dec
08091011 🌗︎121314
151617181920 🌑︎21
222324252627 🌓︎28
293031010203 🌕︎04Jan2026
2026Jan050607080910 🌗︎11
12131415161718 🌑︎
26 🌓︎272829303101 🌕︎Feb
09 🌗︎101112131415
1617 🌑︎1819202122
2324 🌓︎2526272801Mar
Mar0203 🌕︎0405060708
091011 🌗︎12131415
16171819 🌑︎202122
232425 🌓︎26272829
30310102 🌕︎030405Apr
Apr0607080910 🌗︎1112
1314151617 🌑︎1819
2021222324 🌓︎2526
2728293001 🌕︎0203May
May040506070809 🌗︎10
111213141516 🌑︎17
181920212223 🌓︎24
25262728293031 🌕︎
08 🌗︎091011121314
15 🌑︎161718192021 🌓︎
29 🌕︎300102030405Jul
Jul0607 🌗︎0809101112
1314 🌑︎1516171819
2021 🌓︎2223242526
272829 🌕︎30310102Aug
Aug03040506 🌗︎070809
101112 🌑︎13141516
17181920 🌓︎212223
2425262728 🌕︎2930
3101020304 🌗︎0506Sep
Sep0708091011 🌑︎1213
1415161718 🌓︎1920
212223242526 🌕︎27
282930010203 🌗︎04Oct
Oct050607080910 🌑︎11
12131415161718 🌓︎
26 🌕︎272829303101 🌗︎Nov
09 🌑︎101112131415
1617 🌓︎1819202122
2324 🌕︎2526272829
3001 🌗︎0203040506Dec
Dec070809 🌑︎10111213
14151617 🌓︎181920
21222324 🌕︎252627
282930 🌗︎31010203Jan2027